Psychoteers: All For One - Notes

This short extra of Psychoteers was done for a submission to Megazeen's #4 Issue! I'm not really good at short stories, especially if they're serious themed, so I went for the silly, comedic type! Jes, Pau, Mel and Lis loved it, huahahaha not surprising since they got more face time than me. XD j/k j/k!

Anyway, all 6 pages were sketched out and inked/toned in Open Canvas & Photoshop. Again I misspelled words.... I CAN'T BELIEVE I MISSPELLED 'CHRISTMAS'!!!!! ARGGHH!!! Anyway, the song We Are the Reason does not belong to me..... in fact I have no idea who wrote it O_o;; We Are the Reason is our favorite Christmas song and our church sings it frequently (both in English and Indonesian). Pau, Amel and me (I forgot if Lis was there too.... ugh, sorry Lis!) were at our church's crusade (it's call KKR here; I asked Jes what the English term is and she said crusade) once where at one section of the seminar showed a music clip of Jesus's life with this song.

I must say I never felt so pained.

I'm the type that favorite games include Silent Hill series, Resident Evil series, American Mcgee's Alice, Diablo and various FPS games like Unreal Tournament or Half-Life where gore and violence is normal. I watch horror movies and movies where limbs fly off and blood runs in torrents.

Yet never once have I flinched away from the screen like I did when I watched Jesus yell out in pain as the nails were hammered into His wrists and feet.

I watch the life of Jesus every Easter and I always cry, not matter how often I watched it. This time was worse because of the song that accompanied the pictures. Right about the reff where "We are the reason that He suffered and died" they showed Jesus getting nailed on the cross and generally dying for us. Ugh, I just couldn't watch, the pain in my heart was too great. Whoever did the whole music video thing sure knew what he/she was doing. I was pratically crying a river.

If you never heard of the song I insist you do. (Avalon sang this song in their.... I forgot which album but you can start looking with their band ^__^)

Hehehe, if you have the time, try listening to the song while reading the comic. Maybe it'll set the mood better for you ^^ (I drew the last scenes listening to it)

